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African Turquoise Jasper

African Turquoise Jasper

Healing properties: Transformation, Protection, Healing

Origin: Africa

African Jasper is known as a stone of evolution. Jasper is excellent for bringing tranquillity and providing protection whilst African turquoise jasper symbolises positive change and transformation. The stone's beautiful green, speckly appearance is given by the added minerals of crystal quartz, copper and iron. The stone is a variety of jasper mined in Africa and contains no turquoise. 

Agate - Blue Lace


Healing properties: Positivity, Stabilizing, Calming, Nurturing, Cleansing

Origins: Dates back to the Neolithic Era. Mined worldwide. Agates are a type of chalcedony. which is a fine grained quartz. They are commonly found in cavities in volcanic rock.

Agate improves concentration linked to bright ideas and positive thinking. Agate can aid good communication. It is treasured as a good overall healing stone. Agate comes in a huge variety of colours. Pictured is Blue Lace Agate.



Healing properties: Expression, Balance, Inspiration, Empowerment

Origins: China, Russia, Madagascar, Brazil, USA. Its name is derived from the Amazon River, although none has actually been found there.

Amazonite is known as the stone of courage and is excellent for dispelling worry and negative energy and providing balance and confidence. This beautiful stone empowers us to discover our own truths and integrity and helps us to live in alignment with those beliefs and values.



Healing properties: Healing, Cleansing, Courage

Origins: Worldwide. Amber is fossilised tree resin which has been treasured since the Neolithic times. 

Amber has been used historically for courage and self-confidence. It has been used for its excellent for healing and purifying powers and balancing emotions.



Healing properties: Protection, Purification, Spirituality, Positivity

Birthstone month: February

Origins: Ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptian Royalty. The word amethyst comes from the Greek word amethystos, which literally translates to ‘a remedy against drunkenness’.

Amethyst is known as the crystal of healing. It is a very powerful aid to creative thinking and spiritual awareness.  It is a meditative and calming stone, which promotes calm, balance and peace, to purify the mind of negative thoughts. 



Healing properties: Calming, Soothing, Communication

Birthstone month: March

Origins: Brazil, Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Pakistan, Mozambique. This gemstone is a variety of mineral called beryl. Aquamarine comes from the Latin 'aqua marina,' meaning seawater.

Aquamarine is the stone of courage and is said to be great for calming stress and helping to overcome fears whilst having a soothing effect.

Blue Goldstone

Blue Goldstone

Healing properties: Calming, Motivation, Courage.

Origins: Man-made glass infused with cobalt specks (goldstone is infused with copper). Also known as 'Monk's Gold' from the legend that a monk spilt copper specks in to the glass while making it. The origins of the Goldstone are debated, a geologist dated an Iranian Amulet back to the 1100s    

Blue Goldstone is said to bring good luck and courage while deflecting negative energies. It offers calm, emotional healing.



Healing properties: Increases Personal Power, Courage, Creativity, Energy.

Origins: India, Brazil, Egypt, Uruguay. Carnelian is a type of chalcedony, which gets its orange red colours from iron oxide.  

Carnelian is known as a stone of motivation. a brilliant energiser. It is a good balancer; connects you with your inner self. It is known to increase creativity and courage when embarking on new adventures. It was used in the Roman times to make engraved gems for signet/seal rings for imprinting wax seals on documents.



Healing properties: Soothe, Calm, Inspire.

Origin: Ancient Egyptians referred to it as the 'Wise Stone'. Cleopatra always wore chrysocolla.

Chrysocolla has traditionally been worn to bring calm feelings and restore balance. It can be used to bring harmony to a situation.  



Healing properties: Success, Confidence, Creativity, Wealth.,

Origin: Ancient Greeks used citrine as a decorative stone during the Hellenistic Age.

Also known as the ‘Sunshine Stone’, citrine is the crystal of wealth and abundance, known for enhancing concentration and strengthening the intellect. It brings out the energy in you and gives you a boost of confidence. The name citrine derives from the Latin word 'citrina' meaning yellow. Citrine forms when amethyst is subjected to great heat. Primarily from Brazil.



Healing properties: Physical and Emotional Healing, Love, Honesty

Birthstone month: May

Origin: Colombia, Egypt, Brazil, India. During Cleopatra's reign, the ancient Egyptians mined Emeralds regularly.

The emerald is known as the stone of love and is excellent for healing and promoting vitality and new beginnings. Emerald is a variety of the mineral Beryl, getting its colour from trace amounts of chromium.



Healing properties: Healing, Protection, Cleansing.

Origin: Mined worldwide Dates back to the Ancient Egyptians & Chinese.  

Fluorite is believed to have a stabilising effect on emotions and influence the structure and strength of the human body. Known as the genius stone, Fluorite is thought to have the ability to boost concentration. Fluorite is a mineral form of calcium fluorite.



Healing properties: Compassion, Revitalising, Inspiring

Birthstone Month: January

Origin: Mined worldwide. Dates back to the Bronze Age. The name is derived from the Greek 'granatum' meaning pomegranate. Throughout history Garnet has been worn to show status and wealth.

Garnet is the stone of love and commitment and is excellent for revitalising energy and inspiring love and passion. Garnets are a group of silicate minerals.



Healing properties: Intuition, Exploration, Illumination

Origin: India, Sri Lanka, Africa, Brazil

Iolite is known as the gemstone of clear vision; it is referred to as the ‘Viking’s Compass’. Its name comes from the Greek word "ios," meaning violet. Iolite is thought of as a guiding stone.



Healing properties: Balance, Confidence, Energy, Wisdom, Healing, Relaxation

Origin: Jasper is an impure variety of silica. The name means 'spotted or speckled stone'.  

Jasper is known to support during times of stress, and brings tranquillity and wholeness. Used in healing, it helps to achieve balance in life. It is said that Jasper is useful for controlling the emotions and soothing the nerves.



Healing properties: Strength, Transformation, Intuition, Calming

Origin: Labradorite is named after the Labrador Peninsular in Canada, first discovered in 1770. 

Labradorite has been known as the stone of magic and transformation and is excellent for protecting and balancing through changes. A stone of self-discovery, helps us to take adventures where we normally wouldn't. 

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Healing properties: Communication, Intuition & Awareness, Wisdom, Truth.

Origin: The links between lapis lazuli and humans reaches as far back as 6,500 years. The stone has been treasured by many ancient civilisations.    

Lapis Lazuli is known as the stone of wisdom, truth and good judgement. It is excellent for encouraging honesty, helpful in problem solving and enhancing understanding.



Healing properties: Transformation, Amplifies, Protects, Healing, Love.

Origin: Mined as early as 3000BC in the Sinai Deserts and Ancient Egypt.

Malachite is known as the stone of transformation, while encouraging healing and growth, drawing out impurities and stimulating your inner body strength. Its green colour comes from a high copper content. Malachite's wonderful green hues are mesmerising to look at.  



Healing properties: New beginnings, Nurturing, Love.

Origin: Moonstone has been used in jewellery for thousands of years. Sri Lanka is said to be home of some of the most beautiful Moonstone. Black Moonstone (pictured) is a variety of Moonstone recently discovered in Madagascar.

Moonstone is known as the stone of inner growth and strength. Its energy is said to bring balancing and healing. Moonstone is formed from the mineral feldspar. The particular type of formation of the moonstone gives it its beautiful shimmer, known as adularescence.

Black Onyx


Healing properties: Protection, Release, Development of Emotional and Physical Strength, Calm

Origin: Mined worldwide. Its name comes from the Greek 'onux' meaning nail or claw.

Onyx gives strength and protection. It is excellent for improving self-confidence and wise decision making for a brighter future. Onyx allows to see what is weighing you down, to release it from yourself and absorb negative energy. It encourages happiness and good fortune. Onyx is a form of chalcedony.



Healing properties: Independence, Creativity, Healing

Birthstone Month: October

Origin: Opal is mined worldwide but Australia is regarded as the world's leading source of opal.

Opal is known as the stone of hope, purity and truth.  The name opal comes from the Sanskrit word 'upala', meaning precious stone. Wearing Opal is said to bring loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity. Its fiery appearance is said to spark creativity.

Paua Shell (Abalone)

Paua Shell (Abalone)

Healing properties: Protection, Emotional Balance, Calm, Peace

Origin: Paua (Abalone) Shell, is a type of mollusc that is found in the ocean waters around the world. Commonly from waters off New Zealand coastlines. Abalone from South Africa is highly sought after.

Abalone healing carries energies of protection and emotional balance. It brings the holder a natural feeling of tranquillity. Abalone healing is especially helpful for those going through emotional turmoil.



Healing properties: Purity, Honesty, Loyalty

Birthstone Month: June

Origin: Pearls are formed when a particle gets lodged in an oyster shell, the mollusc then begins to coat the irritant with nacre as its defence. Nacre gives the pearl its beautiful glow.  Pearls were prized in many ancient cultures for thousands of years.

Pearl symbolises purity and is known as a stone of sincerity, whilst bringing truth and loyalty. Pearls are also believed to signify innocence and faith. 



Healing properties: Healing, Balancing, Passion, Courage

Birthstone Month: July

Origin: Thailand, Myanmar, Mozambique. Rubies are made from the mineral corundum. Since 600AD, Burma has been one of the most prized source of rubies.

Ruby is known as the stone of good fortune, for the mind, body and soul. It is a stone of passion and protection and is excellent for balancing emotions and encouraging courage and motivation. Ruby encourages passion and zest for life.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Healing properties: Balance, Strength, Dispelling Negativity, Grounding.

Origin: The Ancient Egyptians & Romans. The Celts mined smoky quartz in the Highlands, and used it to for kill pins, weapons and jewellery.

This stone is known for its grounding capabilities; keeping us level headed and clear minded. Smoky Quartz is thought of as one of the most prized stones to dispel negative energies and transform them into something positive. Smoky Quartz is mined in many places around the world including; Africa, Australia & USA.



Healing properties: Intuition, Clarity, Perception

Origin: First discovered by Europeans in Greenland in 1811 

Known as the stone of insight, Sodalite is excellent for enhancing intuition and intellectual understanding. Celebrated as one of the most powerful gemstones for rinsing the body of toxic vibes most associated with fear and guilt.



Healing properties: Joy, Leadership, Vitality, Empowerment & Encouragement

Origin: In the 1800s, sunstone was rare and costly, until it was discovered in Siberia and Norway. Its speckled appearance comes from platelets of hematite or goethite. It has been known for centuries, including discoveries in Viking burial grounds. 

Sunstone is said to be a stone of leadership and encourages you to explore new ways of thinking. Also known as a stone of joy, sunstone is believed to inspire good nature and an enjoyment of life, uplifting moods, while keeping negativity away.

Tiffany Stone

Tiffany Stone

Healing Properties: Clear Mind, Energise, Protection, Healing

Origin: A rare material mined in only one location - Brush Wellman beryllium mine, Spor Mountain, western Utah. 

Also known as ‘Purple Passion’ Tiffany stone is a rare type of rock made up of several different minerals. It has extremely high-vibrational properties, most closely associated with healing, transformation, abundance, and love. It offers deep protection from negative energy.



Healing properties: Wisdom, Release, Healing, Protection

Birthstone Month: December

Origin: Dates back to 3000BC or even earlier, elaborate turquoise jewellery found in Egyptian tombs. 

Turquoise is a stone of protection and strength, used throughout history. It is a stone for healing and soothing; it can lift overall mood and emotion by balancing and inducing peace. It has long been used for protection against evil.



Healing properties: Physical and Emotional Strength, Protecting.

Origin: Unakite was first discovered in the Unakas Mountains in North Carolina/Tennessee.

Unakite is generally known as a stone of vision, opening the third eye. It is excellent for balancing emotions and grounding. A nurturing stone, balancing both mentally and physically. 

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